/All the skills you need brought together in 1 method.
There are many soft skills training courses and a lot of architecture courses on methods and techniques. But there has never been any coaching or training available that combines the two and provides real solutions to the daily challenges we face as architects. I wanted to change that.
/Alle benodigde vaardigheden in 1 methode samen gebracht.
There are many soft skills training courses and a lot of architecture courses on methods and techniques. But there has never been any coaching or training available that combines the two and provides real solutions to the daily challenges we face as architects. I wanted to change that.
Based on my own experiences and successes – not to forget my struggles – I mapped out the skills that are essential in our work as architects. I also looked at what we can learn from other fields, such as marketing. I brought all this together in the Leading Architects method. A powerful method tuned to the daily practice of architects.
/Based on 4 principles.
Your unique personality and talents as the starting point.
I am convinced that everyone can make an impact, as long as you do so based on your own preferences and talents and not on the behaviour desired by others.
Transformation not information
Immediate application of the learned techniques and best practices. With a coach who can guide you and spur you on step by step to actually take steps towards making more impact. No change without action.
Practical applicability
Geen zweverige softskills training, maar concrete handvatten getuned op je mooie architectuurvak.
All the skills you need in 1 unique programme
Geen grote verscheidenheid van allerlei verschillende soft skills trainingen, maar 1 aanpak waarin alle onderdelen zijn samen gebracht.
/Self-development based on 3 perspectives.
The method was constructed based on 3 perspectives: You-Story-People.
If, based on your own strenghts (You) and using your clear architectural vision and ideas (Story), you can set those around you in motion (People), you'll be able to bring about change and make real impact.
/Growing from expert to go-to change leader in 3 phases.
The method was constructed based on 3 phases. In each phase you will show more and more of yourself and you’ll make the transformation from expert to go-to change leader step by step. In each phase, you will gain more insight into yourself and you’ll learn new techniques, strategies and best practices – which you’ll actually use. You will achieve visible results in this way.
You’re an architect, doing a good job, but you’re not yet seen as a change leader. Your influence is still limited. In this phase, we lay the foundation for taking the step to change leader.
You start promoting your vision. You create visibility; people increasingly know who you are. You become involved in resolving all sorts of issues. Step by step you become an authority.
Colleagues definitely know who you are. You’re constantly asked what course should be taken. Now it’s important to keep your head above water and organize your work.
/3 perspectives x 3 phases = 9 steps to becoming a change leader.
The 3 perspectives and 3 phases result in 9 steps.
In the Build phase, you lay the foundation for growing into a change leader.
Find out who you are
De basis voor groei en impact maken, is verkrijgen van inzicht in jezelf. In deze stap doe je een zelfanalyse en krijg je inzicht in jouw gedragsvoorkeuren, jouw talenten en je valkuilen.
Build your story
Your expertise is a wonderful asset. You know such a lot. You just have to let the people around you know it. That’s why you learn techniques for structuring complex architectural issues and communicating them powerfully and convincingly.
Define your audience
You can only exert influence when you connect with the people around you. Who are these people? What are their challenges? How can you help them? And why should they adopt your vision and ideas?
In the Grow phase, you show yourself more and more. You connect with your stakeholders and the teams. By coming up with concrete solutions and promoting your clear vision, you become more and more visible.
Show the real you
You’re going to show yourself more and more, but in a way that suits you. You go in search of your true self, the talents that you can show more often and the struggles you want to overcome.
Tell & tune your story
You’re going to tell your story. Convincingly, rivetingly – but here too in the way that suits you. Colleagues will increasingly see you as an authority in your field. People know who you are.
Get your audience moving
Simply spreading an idea doesn’t get you anywhere. Ultimately, you want people to start moving and for change to actually be realized. Now begins the game of connecting, gaining trust and exerting influence. A crucial part of your job as an architect.
In the Lead phase, you are a change leader. People now see you as an authority in your field and you steer the change in the desired direction.
Become an authentic leader
You’re seen as a leader, but in an authentic way. You search for the personal leadership qualities that you can use as an architect when interacting with stakeholders and your team. We also determine strategies to overcome any leadership blind spots.
Spread your wings
You expand your circle of influence. You build your dream team. You also make sure that others share and spread your vision. Your influence grows.
Lead your audience
You are the content leader for the people around you. People definitely know who you are. Thanks to this, you’re in demand for many projects. A great result, but the risk of too much stress is lying in wait. You therefore also learn to prevent and alleviate stress.
/Wil jij ook je eigen talenten ontdekken en hiermee groeien naar de autoriteit op jouw domein?
Meld je dan aan voor het Leading the Change programma.